Rig/Oil Servicing Company

Managing Director Profile

Mr. Idika Onwuka is the CEO/Managing Director of Rigform Nigeria Limited. He obtained his certification in Nigeria. He joined Halliburton oil & Gas Services in 1977 as an operator training in cementing, where he has undergone different types of training as follows:
-> Cementing Training in Britain - 1983
-> Professional Stimulation course in Holland - 1998
-> Professional Cementing Course in Duncan USA - 2000

He has over Twenty Seven (27) years of experience in the Oil and Gas industry. He was a staff of Halliburton for Twenty Six (26) years in which he served in various capacities.
In 2004, he founded Rigform Nigeria Limited, a world class company that meets the development needs of various sectors in the Nigerian economy and the World at large.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to develop exceptional values to our clients in the areas of engineering, procurement and project management with regard to the environmental protection, health and safety utilizing technology and local resources to the maximum thereby enhancing Nigerian Content development.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to become a world class company that meets the development needs of various sectors in Nigerian economy and World at large.